
Monday, February 26, 2018

Homeopathy Curing Diseases for More Than Two Centuries

In the late 1800's & until the early 1900s, the use of homeopathy in the United States was more popular than "allopathic" medicine. There were more homeopaths, homeopathic teaching institutions and homeopathic hospitals than allopathic ones. That changed after the push by the begrudging allopaths who decided to form their own association and crush the homeopaths via a publication called the Flexner report. Read more about it HERE Many people do not know that the homeopaths of that time were also trained to perform surgery. However, after the use of well prescribed remedies, the homeopaths could often avoid surgery altogether. Fortunately for us, they kept very good notes and published statistical results of their successful treatments. One of these publications in its entirety (232 pages) can be read via the internet here on Google Books.

The first group of images below are in the publication referenced above; now housed in the Yale University Medical School Library. I have used a photo editing program to lighten the aged pages. No content has been altered. I owe a big thank you for the shout out with a link shared in a blog post by a friend and Naturopath, Dr. Paul Theriault whose practice is in Alberta, Canada. Check it out here. The statistics comparing the treatment outcomes between homeopaths and the allopathic doctors of the time present a stark comparison between the two outcomes. Homeopathic medicines survival statistics were far more favorable than those of their jealous counteparts! If you think the feelings have changed between the two since then, you would be wrong.